Frontend Mentor Projects
My finished projects from Frontend Mentor all in one place.
- Newbie Challenges
- Junior Challenges
Newbie Challenges
Ping coming soon page
Implemented using HTML, Sass, CSS Flexbox, and JavaScript for client-side form validation.
Intro component with signup form
Implemented using HTML, Sass, CSS Flexbox, and JavaScript for client-side form validation.
Base apparel coming soon
Implemented using HTML, Sass, CSS Flexbox, and JavaScript for client-side form validation.
Four-card feature section
Implemented using HTML, Sass, and CSS Grid.
Profile card component
Implemented using HTML, Sass, and CSS Flexbox.
3-column preview card component
Implemented using HTML, Sass, and CSS Flexbox.
Social proof section
Implemented using HTML, Sass, and CSS Flexbox.
Article preview component
Implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
FAQ accordion card
Implemented using HTML and CSS only. This was probably one of the hardest newbie challenges on Frontend Mentor in my opinion, and that's solely because of all the positioning I had to do to make the overflowing box illustration stick to the main illustration. This was a fun challenge nonetheless and I learned a lot.
Stats preview card component
Implemented using HTML and CSS.
Single-price grid component
Implemented using HTML and CSS.